About Us
Raekwon’s Scholastic Daycare Academy LLC is an exceptional day care center that provides a welcoming, loving, and educational environment that parents, children, and staff can be proud of. Our program is family inclusive, in order to accomplish the healthy development of the child while they are at the daycare as well as they are at home.
The purpose of our day care program is to provide a high quality for children before and after school. Within that framework, our program seeks to provide an educational/recreational environment conducive to learning with a minimum of formal structure. We will take the approach that the “Creative Curriculum” has trained us to do by helping our children with the five domains of child development:
- Social and Emotional Development
- Language Development in their native as well as a Second Language
- Cognitive skills
- Physical Development of both their fine and gross motor skills
- Health
We offer numerous on and off-site activities. We expose our children to traditional as well as nontraditional forms of learning.
Children enrolled in our program are given options to participate in a variety of groups and individual activities such as books, blocks, music instruments, and toys. Our children will also go on educational field trips, such as to the zoo, the park, and museums. Our program helps our children find an endless variety of activities that will stimulate their minds. We will provide a warm, caring, safe and healthy environment.
The center is equipped with working smoke detectors, fire extinguishers and carbon monoxide detectors. All plugs are covered and all dangerous substances are out of reach. We also have several first aid kits available and safe indoor activities. We have been licensed by the State of Illinois to care for 129 children age range 15 months to 6 years.